
The mission of the Centipede is to inform, spark curiosity, and generate discussion within the community and beyond. The majority of the content relates to school issues, events, and news, but occasionally writers voice their opinions on politics, sports, and other contentious topics.

Please send Letters to the Editors: Mandy Adams & Smile Jiang. Concord Academy, 166 Main StreetConcord. MA 01742.
Alternatively, you may send letters electronically to: mandy.adams@concordacademy.org & smile.jiang@concordacademy.org.

Who are we?

The Centipede is a student-run journalism publication that distinctly reflects the CA student body. We are comprised of several student writers, editors, and layout staff.

23-24 Editorial Board

Our 2023-24 Editorial Board is made up of about 20 students who work as editors and staff writers. Each member contributes ideas, writing, and edits to every issue. Those on staff also attend weekly meetings, where we work to plan upcoming issues, sharpen our journalistic skills, and train new writers.

What do we write about?

Within each publication, you’ll likely encounter articles on school events, local art exhibits, winning sports teams, and interviews with faculty, staff, and alumnae/i. We also publish commentary written by CA students about personal experiences, politics, and more.

How do we create our publications?

Members of the staff are involved in every stage of the paper’s production, pitching article ideas, interviewing sources, photographing events, and perfecting the layout.

Co-Editors in Chief: Mandy Adams ’24 and Smile Jiang ’24
Head Media/Web Editor: Nick Brady ’24

Section Editors
Simon Glassenburg ’24 and Kelly Kong ’24
Cecily Monahan ’26 and Daniel Xu ’25
Jason Mao ’24 and Willow Simon ’24 
Elspeth Yeh ’24
William Kim ’24
Science and Technology:
Jasper Perlis ’24 and Eva Tutin ’24
Evan Griffith-Ebrahimi ’26
Web Editors
Assistant Web Editor:
Alan Wei ’25
Layout Editor:
Grace Guo ’25 and Chloe Park ’26
Photo Editors:
Irene Zheng ’24 and Maya Lin ’25
Staff WritersQuincy Adams ’25, Danaliz Estevez ’26, Amilyn Feng ’27, Marshall Fisher ’24, Connor Gandel ’24, Grace Goodman ’27, Xander Grossman ’26, Aurora Hao ’25, Ava Angele Khabbaz ’25, Rory Kennealy ’24, Lily Kim ’27, Loanne Kim ’27, Lucy Koerner ’24, Averie Lee ’26, Layla Linnard ’26, Paul Marmot ’27, Mohammed Mustakim ’24, Sophia Primmer ’26, Birdie Ratana-Ungkool ’27, Lila Rhee ’26, Amity Shao ’26, Ritika Sinha ’24, Lucy Targum ’26, Suri Tran ’25, Rose Whaley ’27, Audrey Wu ’25, Chen Ye ’26, Ryan Zhao ’26, May Zheng ’26, Sophia Zhou ’26

The Centipede is the official student newspaper of Concord Academy. The paper encourages comments from its readers in the form of Letters to the Editor. No anonymous letters will be printed. The Centipede reserves the right to edit all articles for length and content.