Chapel Quotes

The following is an alphabetical list of 52 seniors’ favorite quote from their Chapels, collected via an optional survey sent to the class of 2024 from the Centipede.

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Faculty Farewell: Kem Morehead

As the 2023-24 academic year comes to an end, we prepare to say farewell to many beloved faculty members in the Concord Academy...

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Faculty Farewell: Max Hall

Max Hall, a Science teacher at Concord Academy since 1998, initially taught at CA for nine years, then left the school to work...

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Goodbye Enrique Alcayaga! A Bittersweet Farewell

A decade and a half ago, Enrique Alcayaga was worlds away from becoming a teacher.

Back then, Alcayaga lived in Guatemala...

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International Potluck Returns to CA

On the evening of Friday, February 10, a novelty occurred at Concord Academy—or so it would have appeared to most current students. The return of CA’s winter International Potluck, complete with live DJ karaoke, drew hundreds...

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Fall Art Show

Around midday on January 13, Concord Academy students had the opportunity to attend the Fall Art Show. Work from all students enrolled in an art class in the fall semester plastered the walls of the Math and Arts Center (MAC)...

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MLK Workshop Spotlight: AIDS: Love & Activism

After an incredible introduction by keynote speaker Dr. Kellie Carter-Jackson, Concord Academy students had the opportunity to attend different workshops commemorating Martin Luther King Jr.. Workshops offered ranged from jew...

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