Dear Freshman,

Welcome to Concord Academy (a truly magical place), where secrets and history are waiting to be discovered. Soon enough, you will wonder about the white swan swimming behind the chapel, or possibly the headless statue next to the senior stairs, maybe even a locked music room after school. But as we return to campus, knowing some of the acronyms is a must. Right here in this article is the complete guide to all the most popular CA acronyms that you will need to know.

One of the first acronyms you might encounter at CA is the StuFac. What is the StuFac you might ask? Well, the StuFac stands for the Student and Faculty Center inside the Main Building. It is the place where the energy of the community really comes together. Students and faculty have lively conversations together while enjoying the meals. Additionally, the StuFac is a place where you can explore your culinary expertise. Inside there is a salad bar where various kinds of raw foods are served. There are plenty of opportunities to show off your skills and maybe even get some foodie fans. It is connected to the Main Building is the MSL, standing for Main School Lobby, where students leave their backpacks during the morning chapels, announcements, and the afternoon assemblies.

Connected to the StuFac on the other side is the PAC (the Performance Art Center). The PAC consists of a theatre-like setting--a stage, seats, and awesome tech equipment. This is the place where the art of performing lives. Weekly announcements, guest speeches, dances, and the talent show, as well as the senior coffee house, are all held in the fantastic place.

Across a road at the opposite side of the soccer field is MAC, standing for Mathematic and Art Center. This is where students explore the world of rationality and creativity. Most of the math and visual art classes are held in the building, and next to the building is SHAC.

The SHAC is the Student Health and Athletic Center, a red-brick building where students play sports and exercise. Inside the SHAC is the health center where the nurses’ office is. It is a place of excitement and vivacity.

These acronyms are important elements in life at Concord Academy. Soon enough, you will see these words blend into your everyday life! They are the important elements of the language of Concord Academy, which, of course, evolves over time. So as you become more familiar with the place, you will always find your own language and acronyms, and that is the real magic of CA’s language.