The website previously used by many Concord Academy students to access student resources, CA Connect, has been taken down and replaced with a tab on the main CA website.  CA Connect had links to Schoology, Gmail, and other essential websites. It also had a search function where students could search for links and documents from previous years. 

Starting this fall, most of these links have now moved to Concord Academy’s main webpage ( under a tab called “Concord Academy Student Resources.” This page also includes a link to the new J. Josephine Tucker Library Google Site. This site has links to more online sources that a CA student might need and a link to the library’s catalog. The Google Site also has a few different easy-to-navigate search functions, which solves what many students said was the biggest problem with CA Connect. 

Many students think that this new website on the main CA web page is a big improvement from CA Connect, which was complicated to navigate due its many nested webpages. Skylar Mead ’25 said, “I like the new website because it's easier to find.” However, some are not as enthusiastic about the change, having grown familiar with the old interface. 

Fortunately, for most new students, familiarity with CA Connect will not be a problem. Over time, most students will have adjusted to the change from CA Connect to CA Student Resources.