The 59th Editorial Board of the Centipede included five senior editors and two senior writers. Maia Monahan ’23 and Cozette Wang ’23 were the Co-Editor-in-Chiefs. Margo Buchanan ’23 was the Opinions Editor, Isabella Ginsburg ’23 was the Sports Editor, and John Oh ’23 was the Head Media Editor/Web Editor. Charlie Badger ’23 and Alex Eckford ’23 both served as staff writers. Each senior brought their passion and knowledge to the newspaper, and left a lasting impression on the younger editors and staff writers.

In the 2022-23 academic year, the Centipede experienced major growth in terms of volume and staff size. For the very first time, monthly issues spanned 12-page spreads. The significantly larger pool of student contributors was particularly exciting and fulfilling for many on the editorial board.

Maia and Cozette served an integral role in ensuring the success of the newspaper. Both Co-EICs scheduled, organized, wrote, and edited with enthusiasm. Maia's proactive communication and thoughtful input were vital to all stages of the newspaper production process. Cozette, in long email chains and in their edits, imbued each and every issue with insight. They managed the Centipede with grace and compassion, and worked tirelessly to establish a sense of community in the editorial board meetings. Maia and Cozette were not just our Co-Editor-in-Chiefs, but friends and mentors.

We asked Maia and Cozette about their most memorable experiences at the Centipede, as they headed the largest team of writers and editors in the recent history of the publication. Maia highlighted several major additions and structural changes to the newspaper, such as the new Editorial section. Articles such as Cozette's thoughtful reflection on Queen Elizabeth II's passing and Maia's deep dive on the "stress olympics" at CA come to mind. “Because editors mostly work behind the scenes, it was nice to spotlight some of our best writers," Maia said. 

The advent of the Editorial section also speaks to the Centipede’s mission to promote student perspectives. “We really leaned into unique opinions and voices this year. The voices that we heard felt freer than in previous years,” Cozette noted. Margo’s work as Opinions Editor was crucial to this development.

As Sports Editor, Isabella helped spotlight CA athletics as well as exciting sporting events around the world. We know that everyone at the Centipede will miss her incisive emails. 

Charlie frequently spotlighted his friends and wrote captivating articles throughout the year. He was a clear communicator and exemplary writer, and his kindness and timeliness will be deeply missed! His engagement with the paper was coupled with his remarkable writing, and the whole board thanks him for his commitment and contributions over the past year. 

John worked tirelessly to run and update the Centipede website, spending copious amounts of time working on media development. He trained younger peers to be well positioned to fill his shoes next year, and carried out his work with patience and grace. He was a humorous and dedicated member of the board, and his contributions will enable the Centipede’s sustained success, even if the website server inevitably crashes in a distant future.With their passion and dedication, the seniors of the Centipede have all set a tremendous example, and we thank them for their sustained commitment to our student newspaper. To our departing seniors, we speak for everyone that has been involved with the Centipede this year when we say that we will miss you all.