Hi Larry,

Do you ever get too attached to a piece of media to finish it? Recently, I’ve been binge-watching this one Netflix series. It was so good, and it kept ending on cliffhangers, so I sped through it so fast and finished three of four seasons in, like, a week! But now, I’m too scared to watch the last season. I don’t want to say goodbye to all those characters! Even worse, I heard that the final episodes suck. I don’t want to believe that either. Also, this isn’t the first time this has happened. This one duology book series has been sitting on my bookshelf gathering dust for a year because I read the first book and became to attached to open the second one. Gah! What should I do? How do I get over my immense fictional fears?



Hey silly,

Stop being a coward! I’m sure you’ve faced worse hurdles than a figment of some screenwriter’s imagination. Plus, if you’re really all that attached, you do realize you can just go back and rewatch the show, right? Don’t keep pushing this off. Deep in your heart, I’m sure you want a resolution, too. The sooner you finish the show, the sooner you can be free to watch all the recent season’s edits on TikTok. Just keep that in mind, yeah? You got this.

With kindness,



Dear Larry,

Okay, how do I say this without sounding stupid? I think my biggest red flag is how I treat my emails. I let them pile up in my inbox to no limit. I never delete any. I only click into the ones I am curious about, or the ones I have to read—the others sit there, never attended to, and yet, undeleted. And—worst of all—I use Apple Mail on my phone. I don’t really know where this is all going. I think I just needed to confess to the sins I know I commit on the daily while I check my inbox endlessly. Sorry. Not really sorry.



Hi Mailer,

Okay, honestly, I didn’t want to respond to this one, but it sounds like a cry for help more than anything. As such, I feel I have an obligation to help. First: please, for the love of God, download Gmail on your phone. You know it’s for the better. Also, perhaps you need to reflect a little about why this is such an issue in your life. Why do you spend so much passing time checking CA all_school_FYI? Put the phone down. Go outside. I promise your mindless checking of your inbox is not making you any more productive. Good luck to anyone who has to communicate with you electronically!

Just kidding (not really),
