Did you know?  

A popular youtuber by the name of William Osman did an experiment to figure out how much sawdust he could put in a Rice Krispy Treat without someone noticing. It turns out that a Rice Krispy Treat could be up to 33% sawdust before people became hesitant to take another bite!


Did you know?

The most joints cracked continuously is 32, a record held by a man named Kalai Selven Kali.


Did you know?

Play-Doh was never supposed to be a kids toy. Infact, it was initially designed to be a wallpaper cleaner, but it was later discovered that kids loved playing with it because of its mushy texture!


Did you know?

You can eat as much Elmers glue as you want, with the only side effect being a stomach ache. While this is by no means recommended, it’s definitely interesting. 
