Inigo Hare ’24 is a senior day student from Somerville, Massachusetts. One of the main reasons Inigo initially chose Concord Academy was because of how familiar the community felt to that of his British middle school. “I could see myself being [here], more than…some of the other schools [I visited],” he said. The social and school-wide atmosphere was particularly appealing. Inago communicated, “It seemed like everyone knew each other…and it was not very busy.”

Since coming to CA, Inigo has picked up a few new hobbies. Notable among these is his interest in distance running. Inigo is a part of both Cross Country—where he serves as a co-captain—and Track and Field, where he pole vaults. Despite their often perceived similarities, Inigo feels that there are unique distinctions between XC and Track. “[With] cross country, it's more of like a sense of community,” he said. “Everyone is running the same race. And obviously running 5Ks—it can be pretty painful, so I think that everyone kind of bonds together through that pain.” On the other hand, Inigo sees track as a more flashy sport. “There's always something to watch,” he said.

Inigo is also a prolific filmmaker. “Part of the reason why I did apply to CA was because it has a very good film program,” he said. Inigo was especially interested in the Feature Film Project, and saw it as a testament to the value CA places on its film department. While he has not joined the project, he still enjoys making movies. He cited the numerous intricate and often interlaced parts of movies as sources for his interest. “You need to be good at cinematography and writing and the sound design and editing,” said Inigo. While big-budget productions may have the resources to hire separate individuals for each task, Inigo painted a vastly different picture of the independent movie-making process, which requires the mastery of numerous different cinematographic skills.

Outside of running and filmmaking, Inigo enjoys watching movies and reading. He is a big fan of the English director Edgar Wright, and lists his psychological horror film ​​Last Night in Soho as among his favorites. “He has a very kinetic filmmaking style, which I like a lot,” Inigo emphasized. “Sometimes I try to emulate [his] whip pans and snappy dialogue.” He also attends philosophy club, despite the fact that he missed their first meeting of the year. Inigo is sincerely looking forward to attending the next club meeting.

When asked to offer a piece of advice to new, tenured, or future CA students, Inigo contemplated for a long moment before offering an answer: “Choose classes that you are interested in,” he said. “They are so much more enjoyable than classes that you just feel 'meh' about!” Inigo believes CA's vast curriculum, coupled with the numerous independent and customizable study tracks, creates an opportunity for everyone to immerse themselves in fascinating classes.