Coffee is arguably the second most popular drink among teenagers, the first being Stu-Fac hot chocolate. The town of Concord has not one, not two, but nearly ten coffee shops if you count The Concord Market. Today, we are going to take a deep dive into the puzzling myth pervading the minds of Concord Academy students: Why does Sorrentos serve two slices of pizza for the price of one? Just kidding! We will save that for the next issue. Our real topic, as revealed by the title of this article, is finding the best coffee shop near CA.

If you are looking to go on a cute coffee date, there is no better place than Haute Coffee. Their signature cold brew only costs $3.00 and their famed latte is just under five dollars! There truly is no other place I would rather go to spend my parents’ money. Similarly, another fan favorite is Main Street Market & Cafe. It’s funny how Main Street’s iced coffee is only four cents more than Haute’s, but it’s an extra four-second walk. 

Now that we have covered local businesses, let us move on to huge chain companies. Surely you are thinking that chain coffee shops should have cheaper coffee than small businesses, right? Well, you are wrong in the case of Caffè Nero. They are charging $4.30 for a 16 oz Cold Brew that has only been brewing for 20 hours. There better be some magic caffeine in that coffee if they are charging 32% more than the standard price for a cold brew. 

I have always avoided Starbucks because of their so-called expensive coffee, but it turns out that Dunkin is not any better. Iced coffee at Starbucks is only $2.25 whereas Dunkin charges $3.06. The best part is that they taste the same! I never once in my life thought Starbucks would be cheaper than Dunkins. In hindsight, maybe I should stop asking for flavor shots at Starbucks. That may be why my coffee ends up being $6.50. 

Honestly, if you are in the Dunkin-Starbucks area, the cheapest coffee might still be Cumberland Farms. Their year-round 99-cents coffee deal should still be happening. If it is not, their YouTube ads are lying. Cumbie’s coffee may not taste the best, but it sure is priced right. According to my calculations, I will not go broke within the first week of school ...

Ultimately, the best coffee shop in Concord is CA’s own Stu-Fac. Why spend money on coffee, when you can get the same thing in the Stu-Fac for free (minus the 60k tuition)?